Your real estate


Real-estate appraisal. Property consulting. For credit institutions, business and private customers.

For over 35 years, we have been a competent partner giving comprehensive and personal advice in all matters pertaining to the valuation of real estate. Our appraisers are „Professional Members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors“ (MRICS), owning "CIS HypZert" certificates. Credit institutions, courts, companies, and private persons rely on our expertise. Our business network includes excellent architects and surveyors who assess building damage. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive guidance so that you will take the right decision.

  • 2019 Alexander Schmoranz takes up lectureship at the ADI Academy of Real Estate Economics
  • 2018 Expanding of our office for real estate valuation by employing Anno Riepen as surveyor for real estate appraisal
  • 2016 Alexander Schmoranz successfully completes the exam of MRICS (Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)
  • 2010 Founding of Wardin&Schmoranz GbR
  • 2010 Alexander Schmoranz successfully passes the exam of CIS HypZert (F) property appraiser
  • 2007 Alexander Schmoranz starts working in the family business as expert for property valuation
  • 2005 Burkhard Wardin is appointed CIS HypZert (S) real estate appraiser
  • 1988 His partner Elke Wardin joins the company and takes over organisational responsibilities
  • 1982 Burkhard Wardin finishes his job with the official committee of valuation experts in Cologne and founds Sachverständigenbüro Wardin
Immobilienbewertung Sozialimmobilien

Every property has its price. We determine its value.


Premises, houses, or flats. Retail industry, offices, or hotels. We assess the value of any kind of properties. On the one hand, we render expert opinions as a secure and objective appraisal of the current market value that can also be used for legal purposes. On the other hand, we determine mortgage lending values as a loan collateral for credit institutions. Common reasons for the preparations of an expert opinion are purchases and sales of properties, inheritances, divorces, or when required by the tax office. If desired, we also validate the plausibility of existing valuation reports. In case you do not necessarily need a comprehensive opinion of experts for your property, we also offer value indications.


As independent, experienced surveyors we provide our business and private customers with professional advice regarding their properties. For each individual concern we develop a suitable solution approach. When realising a so-called SWOT analysis, we prepare all decision-relevant data and facts to point out the strengths, weaknesses, chances, and risks of the property concerned. From these concrete advantages and disadvantages, we can derive strategic options for action, allowing you to take an informed decision. A SWOT analysis can be realised internally, relating to the property itself, or externally, e.g. with reference to the developments of the property’s immediate environment or relating to the real-estate market.

Commercial properties

  • Office buildings
  • Hotels or other lodging properties
  • Supermarkets or specialist stores, shopping centres
  • Processing and manufacturing industry
  • Social properties
  • Leisure or vacation properties
  • Undeveloped commercial sites
  • Specialist properties

Residential properties

  • Single or two-family houses
  • Apartment buildings
  • Condominiums / freehold flats
  • Undeveloped sites used for residential purposes
  • Leasehold rights (e.g. heritable building rights)

Your expert opinion
in five steps:

  • AachenMünchener AG
  • BAUWENS Development GmbH & Co. KG
  • Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben AÖR
  • Commerzbank AG
  • GAG Immobilien AG
  • HypoVereinsbank AG
  • Kreissparkasse Köln
  • OMEGA Gruppe
  • Rendita Colonia GmbH
  • SOLUM Facility Management GmbH
  • Sparkasse KölnBonn
  • Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft Siegburg mbH
  • Stadtwerke Bonn GmbH
  • Value AG
  • Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken
  • Zurich Gruppe Deutschland AG
  • Privatpersonen
  • Kreditinstitute
  • Investoren / Projektentwickler / Fonds
  • Versicherungsgesellschaften
  • Gerichte, Rechtsanwälte, Notare
  • Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften
  • Staatliche Behörden
  • Wohnungsbaugesellschaften
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Your appraisers for property valuation.
Personal and confidential.


We are looking forward
to hearing from you.

Sachverständigenbüro Wardin&Schmoranz
Hofferhofer Str. 12
51503 Rösrath

T.+49 (0)2205 / 9 478 545
F. +49 (0)2205 / 9 478 547

* Mandatory